Wednesday, February 24, 2010

White Lie

I rarely like watching TV Series.
So i'm not a type of girl who can sit (or lay) hourly watching tv series -to be specific: (cheesy) drama series- eventhough the whole world say like: "This tv series thing are great!". I might be too ignorant to be curious and watch such series, otherwise i watched and got bored afterward. Not being indistinguishable or what, but simply that i sometimes don't get the storyline if it gets too long =p. I'd prefer reading to watch anyway.

However, i have this fave tv series called "Lie to Me". Created by Samuel Baum, it won the 2009 BMI TV Music Award, Nominated on 2009 for Emmy Award for category Outstanding Main Title Design and lastly nominated on 2010 Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a drama series (Mekhi Phifer).

Anyway, am not gonna talk about the whole Lie to Me series thingies but i have this kind-of-fave-episode among others. On this episode titled "Tractor Man", my fave and lovable character Eli Loker entertained some kids by singing a song and playing guitar. Definitely cute! In this series, he always utters the brutal truth meaning that he practices what he calls radical honesty. So on this episode, Loker has to babysit some local kids who visit Dr. Lightman's office while the others have to clean up the mess made by a frustated farmer with a bomb who drives his tractor to DC and demands to talk to the President. Loker asked each of the brats to mention a sentence so they can compose a song. Fascinating that simple lyric can turned into a head splinter song, not to mention meaningful. Will post the lyric below so you can judge it. Loveable! Too bad that in the end of this episode the teacher kissed Loker, BLAH biatch! =p

My fave line is: "Everybody does it cause it feels alright and it's more polite but a lie's still a lie, even when it's white."

Whaddaya think?

"White Lie" Song Featuring Felicia Day

I say I'm 10 when I'm 9 and half.
My Uncle Tells a joke and I try to laugh
In gym I fake a headache, but I want to quit
I say I love the sweater that my Grandma knit.

But that was...

Chorus 1:

A white lie
(Sing as echo in "Lie To Me" epsisode the children sing this part) White Lie
That's a white lie
(Sing as echo) white lie
That's the kind you want to tell
(Children sing too) A white lie
So your mom won't have to yell
A white lie
(sing echo) White Lie
Everybody does it cause it feels alright and it's more polite
But a lies still a lie, even when it's white

I pretend I'm asleep when my dad walk's in
I said I ate my chicken, but I just ate the skin
You speak and say your lie and when your mouth says not
Your pants are on fire, but their not too hot

When it's a...

Chorus 2

White Lie
(sing echo) White Lie
It's the kind you want to tell
A white lie
So your dad won't have to yell
A white lie
(sing echo) white lie
Everybody does it, cause it feels alright and it's more polite
but a lie's still a lie, even when it's white

While it might be hard, to say what's true,
would you want a white lie told to you?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Awal dari Awal

Menulis blog sebenarnya bukan resolusi tahun baru saya.

Tapi di awal saya pernah berkata untuk secara teratur menambahkan tulisan baru di blog ini, yang nyatanya terbengkalai nyaris satu tahun. Baiknya idealisme menulis blog seciamik blog-blog sastra harus sedikit diabaikan dulu. Walaupun akhirnya blog ini tidak direncanakan berisi curhatan melulu, tapi mohon maaf bila akhirnya demikian. Bagaimanapun, menurut Institute of Psychiatry London otak seorang wanita dapat menghasilkan 6.000-8.000 kata dan 1000-2000 bunyi vokal yang dapat diucapkan setiap hari. Jadi saya anggap hasil riset wong London ini jadi pembenaran sementara. Bagaimanapun, ini blog pribadi =p.

Saya akan berusaha konsisten untuk menulis dengan hanya satu bahasa pada setiap posting-an. Bahasa Indonesia ya bahasa Indonesia sampai habis, tidak bahasa gado-gado macam bicaranya artis abege yang konon blasteran itu. Bukannya saya turut mendukung UU No. 24/1999 yang sok nasionalis itu, tapi ini adalah salah satu upaya saya untuk belajar menggunakan bahasa nasional (yang kadang tidak baik pun tidak benar). Bila pernah mengalami, akan ada saat dimana kita kangen betul bicara bahasa Indonesia. Dan bila suka membaca, bahasa Indonesia punya padanan kata yang luar biasa kaya dan beragam. Sayangnya, literatur pop sukses membatasi penggunaan kata-kata dan menciptakan imej bahwa penggunaan bahasa Indonesia adalah kaku, kolot dan membosankan.

Ternyata sulit juga loh berpikir dan menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia seluruhnya. Walaupun sudah menjadi bahasa ibu, pengaruh media dan pergaulan bertahun-tahun membuat saya berbahasa nanggung. Saya tidak bermaksud sok kebule-bulean supaya kelihatan gaul. tapi kadang-kadang tidak 'ketemu' padanan kata yang dimaksud sampai harus menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Akarnya sih, karena saya malas mikir saja ternyata. Belum lagi pekerjaan saya sehari-hari yang mengharuskan saya menulis dalam bahasa Inggris kadang membuat saya jadi seenaknya bila harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.

Semoga blog ini tidak menjadi terlalu serius untuk dinikmati, dan terlalu tidak serius sampai tidak berarti. Dan semoga blog ini mampu merekam pemikiran-pemikiran yang kadang abstrak namun niscaya mampu menginspirasi. Yang paling penting adalah, semoga blog ini secara teratur segera diisi posting-an.