Monday, February 14, 2011

No Complaint Week and Misi21 Day #1

Selamat Hari Kasih Sayang a.k.a Valentine's Day.

Bermula dari kebiasaan suka ngepas-ngepasin apapun, akhirnya di hari yang konon kabarnya penuh kasih sayang ini saya memutuskan untuk memulai hari #1 Misi 21 yang digagas oleh Mas Rene Sudarsono. Misi 21 adalah suatu misi melakukan suatu kegiatan baru, yang tidak biasa-biasa aja dan yang 'tak berdosa' (atau mencelakakan =p) selama 21 hari berturut-turut. Karena menurut riset 21 hari adalah waktu ideal orang untuk membentuk suatu kebiasaan baru dan meluruhkan kebiasaan lama. Nah, kalau 1 hari saja tidak melakukan hal baru maka diulang lagi dari awal. Seru kan? Menantang untuk berpikir selama 21 hari secara teratur untuk melakukan sesuatu yang ga bikin bosen hari itu. Untuk hari pertama ini saya menamakannya No Monday Moaning (mengutip ungkapan seorang teman). Per setengah hari ini dari skala 1-10 tingkat keberhasilan, yah..kurang lebih 7.5 deh. Lumayan untuk hari pertama.

Sebenernya No Monday Moaning ini adalah bagian dari suatu proyek bernama #nocomplaintweek.Intinya proyek ini adalah selama seminggu kita berkomitmen untuk tidak mengeluh tentang apapun (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada ngedumel, komplen dan sejenisnya). Seminggu maksudnya adalah 7 hari kalender. Proyek ini tadinya proyek pribadi seorang Henry Manampiring di twitter. Kemudian beliau mendapat ide untuk mengajak khalayak ramai karena respon yang didapat cukup baik. Untuk lengkapnya bisa baca di sini. Lucu juga, keliatan mudah tapi ternyata cukup menantang.

Jadi, si ambisius ini tiba-tiba punya 2 proyek pribadi. Ada #nocomplaintweek selama seminggu dan #misi21 selama 21 hari. Hari pertama lumayan sakses dijalankan setengah hari dengan legowo. Dimulai dari cobaan ujan gede abis yang mengakibatkan harus menyetir dua jam lebih dari rumah ke kantor, klien-klien ga jelas maunya apa, plus pembatalan janji agak semena-mena tanpa alasan yang kuat, untungnya masi semangat menjalankan misi ini. Efeknya? Seperti saya bilang, lebih legowo, lebih semangat, dan lebih positif menghadapi hal-hal kurang mengenakkan tersebut *cieee*. Dan entah kenapa, hari ini saya merasa banyak dapat mujizat/berkat/yang baik-baik lah walopun ya itu tadi cobaannya 'sepanjang jalan' ada. Mulai dari dapat meja di Pepenero Kuningan lengkap dengan parkiran yang deket benerrr padahal siang itu rame banget dan kita juga pergi beramai-ramai; akhirnya dapat pasta enak (hasil ngidam seminggu); tiba-tiba dapat compliment 'heratisan' brownies coklat kacang dengan whip cream dari chef ganteng bertato (diantar langsung sama beliau); dikasi tiket CSI gratisan (WOW terima kasih ya, you're such an angel! emang pengen banget, padahal beli tiket juga gpp loh hihi yuk yuk ada yang mau pergi main???); dan dianter kue coklat dan pizza karena ada orang kantor yang ulang tahun. Mungkin ini kali ya yang Ps.Jeffry khotbah bahwa cara pandang seseorang menentukan bahwa ia bisa merasakan 'mujizat' setiap harinya ato ngga =)

Wow, entah euforia melakukan sesuatu yang baru, atau memang hari ini orang-orang tampak ekstra baik, tapi saya semangat melanjutkan hihiyy! Apalagi untuk misi #nocomplaintweek beberapa temen kantor yang kebanyakan adalah ratunya mengeluh (ehm!) mau ikutan juga. Yang kalah harus beli coklat hohoho. Baiklah, semoga bertahan hingga 7+21 hari ke depan. Kalo soal tampang saya keliatan manyun atau bengis, yah, kadang itu bawaan orok mohon maaf =p.

Jadi walaupun seperti ini kejadiannya:

Expectation v. Reality

Tetep harus hepi yaaa =D. Ketika kita masih dibiarkan sendiri, artinya kita masih punya kesempatan untuk membagi kasih sayang tidak secara ekslusif tapi bisa lebih meluas. Yea yea boleh bilang klise ato denial, tapi cobalah pikir dan bersyukur atas teman dan sahabat yang masih diijinkan ada di dalam hidup kita. Kalo selama ini kita cuma nyusahin temen terus, curhat terus, ngeluh terus, mungkin bisa coba tiba-tiba bikin/ngasih sesuatu yang baik buat dia. Kita toh ga pernah tau kapan kesempatan itu habis dan akhirnya kita menyesal. Plus, ini bisa jadi ide #Misi21 juga loh hehehe..

Menyambung #nocomplaintweek, buat saya itu juga adalah suatu proyek untuk belajar bersyukur atas apapun setiap hari. Lawan kata mengeluh itu bersyukur bukan? =)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When The Reds become Blue

"Roses are red
Violet are blue
Torres was red
and now he's going blue!"
With all my due respect to the REDS!

Skimming some news on transfer of Torres from Liverpool to Chelsea, I could not stand to have this poem popped out of my head. I was about to tweet that poem but since everybody's head seems super hot in this time, well..wise not to tweet it hehehe. I don't understand EPL at all. Not that i'm a football hardcore fans also (and i am not a fan of both Liverpool and Chelsea as well but hell yeah i'm a Madridista! =D). So i will not give any further comment on this. But what interests me is finding out that loyalty is getting rare nowadays. Ordinary people or famous football player is human being and selfish is basically our nature. I smiled and even almost laughed (not really cynically) while reading the news, how can I expect a mere ordinary people not being selfish if such a star acting up like that?

Anyway, whatever the reason is, i think being a selfish human is somehow inevitable. But since we are already civilized (and for Christians - since we are already 'saved') , IMHO we can choose whether we can make ourselves as a centre of universe, or realize that we are living with million people under the same universe. The choice is in our hand. Even if others being selfish, i can choose for not being selfish. This is sort of similar with what Tolstoy said: "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." I guess if everyone wants to change everyone, then the world will be chaotic although that thought to try to change some people is tempting indeed =p. Wait, wait, wait, i am not going to give a lecture to anybody right? *hehehe*

So Torres (fishy pisces no wonder =p), wish you luck. You will reap what you sow. (this is not a curse!, remember i am neutral loh)

And I would like to welcome fabulous February, let's see what i can change to be a better person this month. 

Cheers witme folks? \(^^)/

Monday, January 31, 2011

My first Maid of Honor Wedding Speech

It is an honor for me to deliver a wedding speech for a lovely couple. Although Windri has asked me months ago to prepare that speech, as a matter of fact i was struggle to write some sweet touchy speech just couple of hours before the d-day =D (*tee hee win). Knowing that this bride is an accute irritating perfectionist =p, delivering this speech is a pressure for me (another irritating perfectionist as well). Google helped a bit, of course lah, what can't you ask from google???

Having read several examples of speeches from net and from a friend, i conclude that making a wedding speech shall be done in the bathroom. Oh, OK that cannot be generally applied to everyone though hehe. What i meant is make it personal. Be funny or witty, not too serious is okay but the most important thing is be sincere. Put some nice memorable experience with the bride/groom inside the speech. Know your audience is kinda vital but since i was too late knowing some VIP audiences are all around at that time, Indonesian people said: hajar maning saja bleh! =D. Actually, i am not a very good public speaker, and well a shot of booze will usually boost up my confidence hihihi but simply said, just be yoursef and talk with your heart. The rest will follow =). At least in my experience hehehe.

By the way, below is my speech which i delivered on the wedding. I think that was memorable enough to be posted in my blog. And yes, i sometimes looked on my notepad in my blackberry. But believe me, improvisation will pop out along the way, and i guess my speech was sort of touchy, isn't it Win? *wink*. Oh i made the speech in english and also in bahasa indonesia because not all audiences speak english. Not trying to be Cinta Laura though =).

First of all, selamat utk Rully dan Windri. I'm so happy for you guys. I can feel love from here. Terima kasih untuk kesempatan delivering this wedding speech, which is my first time ever. Jadi sori kalo agak grogi =p dan nyontek2.
It seems like yesterday when windri shared her dreams with me. Karirnya, making music, business, coaching, love and marriage - last two took major parts of all of course - and here you are being such a lovely bride with amazing groom besides you.
I've known windri for years walopun awalnya ga deket but since she occupied my bed room back then on a training camp, she's been a best friend for me ever since. I once prayed for windri supaya dia mendapatkan pasangan hidup yang terbaik and I know my pray has been answered. And now I'm praying for a Divine Intervention in your marriage life. Long may your love and happiness last.

Untuk Rully, having windri as your wife is a beautiful blessing and a challenge as well =p. She has every good quality a man wants for a compensation kalo dia lagi labil, fair enough lah ya rul hehe. Dan nampaknya anda berhasil menjinakkan neng windri. Titip jaga supaya dia ga stress-an anaknya, karena dia butuh orang untuk sometimes slow down her fast pace while pursuing her dreams and goals. Which become yours too now, and your dreams become her. Karena kalian bukan lagi 2 tetapi telah menjadi satu.

Well guys, we know how 2 people are in love from their look. Waktu akad, saya sangat tersentuh dengan the way this couple look to each other. Ga perlu banyak kata, but their eyes tell me that they love each other so. I hope that sparks will never fade, mungkin akan redup sedikit, tapi semoga sinarnya tak pernah mati.

Happy wedding once again.
Hope you an ever after love story.
God bless you always.
There was my wedding speech!

Thank you for every moral supports given to me during the preparation and execution LOL. Oh one more thing, listen to good lyrics sometimes help and inspiring. And i also quoted an excerpt of sermon i have known before on holy matrimony =p. My own fave lines are: "And now I'm praying for a Divine Intervention in your marriage life. Long may your love and happiness last." It sounds sacred huh? The latter taken from somewhere around here.

So i shall start thinking: who will deliver the best man and maid of honor speech on MY wedding  *evil smirk*

Monday, January 24, 2011


This is a story about a girl who stands in a cross-over.

How do you define a love at the first sight?
Is it really you who see him first?
Or you just ignore other eyes who have seen him before
It might also be a reminiscing
Of someone who has put footprints in your heart
Not easy to be removed, even almost impossible
If you want to get over someone badly
You don’t expect to see his clone by the time you are about to forget forever
But he’s standing there proud and loud, as if challenging, as if inviting
But she’s too scared to make a move
She’s too reluctant to get to know him more
She holds everything in her heart and not telling anyone about this crush.
Unlike fairy tale when all love stories go smooth,
She knows instantly that her story will not going anywhere
Not being cheesy, she easily forgets him and then life goes on
After all, it’s not him she really likes
But only because he looks like a guy he once really really loved.
And then she found out that his ex-crush is dating her best friend
At the very second before she says well I’m not gonna make it anyway
While her best friend has lied for not make any contact with him before
Surprise! Surprise!
She thinks that this is a bad joke
Reality check, this ain’t even a gag
Loyalty defeated by lust, if you don’t say it’s love
Well she’ll be happy if her best friend happy
But at the same time she felt doomed as well
She would not mind her taking his crush
And does not necessarily need to hear a defense: But-he-likes-me-first-i-actually-did-nothing
She’s even too terrified to believe
That the girl saying such lame reason is indeed her best friend
A question popped out in her mind:
Seriously this girl being so blinded in so-called-love or simply selfish?
She would consider the first
But the latter is possible as well
A best friend who never...well... rarely thinks about others
She has been aware of that, but she just does not ready when it comes to her
If only the girl is unknown
She would curse and tell the world how filthy she is
But she does nothing
In fact, she is speechless and cannot do a single thing
What for?
Her best friend keeps pursuing a new love life with this guy anyhow
No matter what she is going to say
Only a thing she learned more
That trust is very expensive
Once broken it is hardly regained
So she asks herself how you define a best friend
The one who constantly think about herself?
The one whose life is a central of a universe?
The one who kiss and confess that she has kissed a guy you like and ask: are you Ok with that?
The one who almost always be a party pooper and absorb happiness from surrounding?
The one who speaks that you deserve a good guy but cross your way through a good guy?
The above are not best definition of best friend
But that’s all she had for now from one best friend
No worries, these are lessons to learned
No hard feeling actually
Because the opposite of love is not hate

But ignorance.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Serene Sunday Morning

Sunday morning
Should have been praising, or just simply lazing.
And then come one Ping!
Ask me working on mining.
So there goes my serene sunday morning.
That is called lawyering...

Please somebody tell me something i will be if i am not a lawyer.

Just curious =)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Perjalanan Kopi

I orchestrate my mornings to the tune of coffee. ~Harry Mahtar


Waktu kecil saya dilarang minum kopi, nanti tidak bisa tidur kata papi.

Waktu agak besar boleh minum es kopi sedikit, nyicip punyanya mami di kedai kopi tak kie. Lupa rasanya seperti apa.

Waktu beranjak remaja sekolah di tempat yang memaksa saya minum kopi supaya bisa belajar sampai larut. Minumnya tentu kopi instan yang manis.

Waktu kuliah, kopi adalah kebutuhan, bukan karena hobi. Kopinya masih kopi instan, murah dan praktis.

Waktu awal-awal bekerja, mau tidak mau minum kopi supaya melek terus-terusan. Kali ini biji kopi asli yang digiling diacak-acak dan dikeluarkan dari mesin peracik kopi sungguhan di kantor.

Sekarang? masih minum kopi bila perlu saja. Kopinya kopi tubruk beli di aceh, tanpa susu, gula, krimer.

Konon kata seorang kenalan, bila kau tambahkan gula/susu/krimer ke dalam kopi maka rasanya akan menjadi rusak. Dulu lidah masih bisa dibohongi dengan rasa manis sehingga rasa kopinya hanya samar-samar. Kini, pekatnya kopi menyeruak dan wanginya semerbak itu yang dicari. Dan tentunya efek membuat mata nyalang sampai beberapa jam.

Apa mungkin kalau sudah besar kemampuan menyesap kopi pahit itu berbanding lurus dengan kemampuan menyerap rasa sakit ya?