Monday, January 24, 2011


This is a story about a girl who stands in a cross-over.

How do you define a love at the first sight?
Is it really you who see him first?
Or you just ignore other eyes who have seen him before
It might also be a reminiscing
Of someone who has put footprints in your heart
Not easy to be removed, even almost impossible
If you want to get over someone badly
You don’t expect to see his clone by the time you are about to forget forever
But he’s standing there proud and loud, as if challenging, as if inviting
But she’s too scared to make a move
She’s too reluctant to get to know him more
She holds everything in her heart and not telling anyone about this crush.
Unlike fairy tale when all love stories go smooth,
She knows instantly that her story will not going anywhere
Not being cheesy, she easily forgets him and then life goes on
After all, it’s not him she really likes
But only because he looks like a guy he once really really loved.
And then she found out that his ex-crush is dating her best friend
At the very second before she says well I’m not gonna make it anyway
While her best friend has lied for not make any contact with him before
Surprise! Surprise!
She thinks that this is a bad joke
Reality check, this ain’t even a gag
Loyalty defeated by lust, if you don’t say it’s love
Well she’ll be happy if her best friend happy
But at the same time she felt doomed as well
She would not mind her taking his crush
And does not necessarily need to hear a defense: But-he-likes-me-first-i-actually-did-nothing
She’s even too terrified to believe
That the girl saying such lame reason is indeed her best friend
A question popped out in her mind:
Seriously this girl being so blinded in so-called-love or simply selfish?
She would consider the first
But the latter is possible as well
A best friend who never...well... rarely thinks about others
She has been aware of that, but she just does not ready when it comes to her
If only the girl is unknown
She would curse and tell the world how filthy she is
But she does nothing
In fact, she is speechless and cannot do a single thing
What for?
Her best friend keeps pursuing a new love life with this guy anyhow
No matter what she is going to say
Only a thing she learned more
That trust is very expensive
Once broken it is hardly regained
So she asks herself how you define a best friend
The one who constantly think about herself?
The one whose life is a central of a universe?
The one who kiss and confess that she has kissed a guy you like and ask: are you Ok with that?
The one who almost always be a party pooper and absorb happiness from surrounding?
The one who speaks that you deserve a good guy but cross your way through a good guy?
The above are not best definition of best friend
But that’s all she had for now from one best friend
No worries, these are lessons to learned
No hard feeling actually
Because the opposite of love is not hate

But ignorance.


Stephanie Gunawan said...

*huggssss* really, just a fiction?

..Somewhat like a dilettante.. said...

Yeap fiction, because in real life i am surrounded by lovely best friends =)